Sweet Sammies ,Abby & Kalie

Abby and Kalie are our two Samoyed dogs, both are AKC registrated females. To give you a little background history on how they came to be in our family, we had been searching for the perfect dogs that would fit into our family , after reading and a lot of research we decided the Samoyed is an excellent fit for us.

Abby and Kalie are extremely smart,and they both love being around small children, they like the fact a human is their size!

One of Kalie’s favorite games is playing hide and seek she is a cuddler and would spend hours being petted and generally being spoiled! Kalie is more petite of the two, she loves running and floats across the ground. She is a very loyal companion and so lovable.

Abby is a precocious girl with the penchant for being the one to get the two of them into trouble ,she is so charismatic and so playful! She is more chunky of the two, and is more content to let Kalie chase the squirrels on our property!
Abby is a lovable dog whose personality just bubbles through to everyone around her. We dearly love both of them and are thankful they are a part of us!

Teddy is the daddy, he is AKC registrated and built a little bigger then Abby and Kalie. Together they have created some fabulous puppies!